Aubrey Aloysius’ Interview telecast on Lok Sabha TV Program “Drishtikon”
Date / Time
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Television Channel: Lok Sabha TV
Aubrey Aloysius’ interview of 20 March 2014 telecast on LOK SABHA TELEVISION Channel’s program — "DRISHTIKON (Perspective) : Interviews with eminent personalities" — watched across India and several countries across the globe, at:
- 07:30pm IST Sunday 15th June 2014
- 04:00pm IST Monday 16th June 2014
- 10:00pm IST Tuesday 17th June 2014
- 07:30pm IST Sunday 22nd June 2014
- 04:00pm IST Monday 23rd June 2014
- 10:00pm IST Tuesday 24th June 2014
- 07:30pm IST Sunday 29th June 2014
- 04:00pm IST Monday 30th June 2014
- 10:00pm IST Tuesday 1st July 2014
- 07:30pm IST Sunday 6th July 2014
- 04:00pm IST Monday 7th July 2014
- 10:00pm IST Tuesday 8th July 2014
Webcast watched on