Aubrey Aloysius´ Interview on All India Radio – National Channel on 24 December 2014
Date / Time
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Radio Channel: All India Radio National Channel
Program: "The Deeper Meaning Of Christmas"
Listen to AUBREY ALOYSIUS being interviewed, giving a Christmas Message to the Nation of India and also speaking about the Nation Building Project "COME INDIA SING" on ALL INDIA RADIO´s NATIONAL CHANNEL program "THE DEEPER MEANING OF CHRISTMAS" @ 8:05pm IST on Wednesday 24the December 2014 (All India Radio reaches 96% of India).
Coverage: ALL INDIA
Listeners across India tuned in to the following frequencies on their RADIO:
- MW: Medium Wave: 191.6 Mtrs – 1566 kHz
- MW: Medium Wave: 246.9 Mtrs – 1215 kHz
- SW: Short Wave: 31 Mtrs – 9425 kHz
- SW: Short Wave: 31 Mtrs – 9470 kHz