Aubrey Aloysius celebrates musical Christmas with kids in Gurgaon

Aubrey Aloysius celebrates musical Christmas with kids in Gurgaon
– Article in Times of India / – 26th December 2013 (Naina Arora)
Musical Christmas, at Epicentre in Gurgaon, saw parents and children coming together to ring in Christmas with music. Kids of all ages, dressed in vibrant colours, sang carols. Lorraine, trainer of the music academy, said, "Christmas isn’t Christmas till it happens in your heart".
The traditional lighting of lamp was followed by a live singing performance by budding artists. Aubrey Aloysius, managing director of the academy, said, "Our motive is to bring everyone together and encourage them to sing in unity. Through music, we want to impart good values in our children."
Children, dressed in the hues of Christmas, with Santa (Photograph)